
Posted by Gremlin on 28 June 1999 at 09:56:58:

In Reply to: Re: What's New posted by Utahraptor on 28 June 1999 at 09:05:31:

: The aliens one is simple (barring anything from Ancient Egypt, when Stonehenge was built, other ancient cultures, etc. 1900's only.) There are two races (proven as defined as multiple confirmations of appearances.) The problem is, umans have thiss orta identification problem. Like how all Mexicans look like on famous guy, Or Italians look like an Italian celebrity. ro simply, how animals fot he same species all look alike to humans. All Collies look the same, all spidermonkeys look identical. Humans see aliens the same way. NAy smaller than human sized alien, wiht grey in their skin, big, black, almond shaped eyes, with no air, is the same speices. However, that is wrong. the oens from Roswell dubbed Roswellian by me, are nothing like the Pleiadians, or grays (Pleiadians dubbed by unknown. Grays by humans). Sure they have some similarities. But very few. Boht are smaller than humans, and have identical eyes. Everything else is diff. IF you actually bother to compare, you cna easily tell
: they are not the same species. And Pleiadians ahven't been around since the 1980's really. At least noticeably. Also, Men In Black also says the mIB are the good eyes. And as anybody who's eveyr met them, or heard about them, they are not very nice guys. And there's mroe evidence to support theya re from the gov, than alien, as some believe.

This may just be a hunch, but, since the Pleiades was named by mankind, the term 'Pleiadians' might also come from such a source.


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