News from BangBang
Posted by Gremlin on 14 February 2000 at 12:03:46:
Now that BangBang is afraid of the Gremlinboard's strange, magical, godlike ability to fix the misspellings in his various names, he's become just bright enough to post this brainless shit on his own, ignored, little board. For example:
Article: --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Replying to Original Article: First thing to say, you dont build up or dash anything, at least not on my end. I cant speak for the others. Now I've approached you with rationality, usually in an attempt to figure out where you were going with some of your posts. And alot of times all I've seen from you are insults to one faction of humanity or another. Without any logical, rational, or evidential basis behind them. Like saying cancer was caused by being a bad person. The development of abnormal cells within a body, is caused through influence of carcinogens(sp?), or degreadation of DNA. Not once has it been proved that cancerous cells are some "punishment" for being evil.
Actually, I've arrived after reading a previous attack on me. My own challenge had long since been met, and that failing, changes made. Most people do not see a gentle tease on a post. Actually, I've seen Hunter do that. Her cute little I'm going to hurt you now replies. And not eveyrone means a joyous little ribibng with no reral ahrm. As Imp has shown, he intended to specifically attack me. Claimign to have reached hsi point. Did he ever ask me to stop? No. Did he ever dicuss his problems? No. He decided he didn't like what I had to say, and was going to get rid of me. It didn't work, and he failed to realize a new tactic was needed. Veyr few people ever asked me tos top, or wanted to discuss their difference of opinion. Once I went on the fofensive, they asked me to stop, but it was too late. One could always have replied with, "Geeze, I was just funning ya, lighten up." However, no one did. No oen ever did anyhtign to indicate a simple joke. And your reasoning on their presumed attack is the same as my saying I'm attacked. The fact I mentioend several times you'll get what you give, and to discuss things with me, seemed to mena nothing to anyone, and they jsut continued, rather than simply saying I don't agree because. Ironically, I was about to leave that April for a few months, when Imp went senior psychopath on us. So I had to stay. He guaranteed I'd never leave.
Of course, the fact that someone has shown they perceive only atatcks means you kinda want to vary a response, not continue until they figure out you weren't trying to intentionally flame them. And mot of my flames were the similiar pointignout of stupidity. Now, if babies wanna screw with usernames, trying to create some sort of insult, well, I can't be responsible for the consequences.
As for cancer punishment, some belive in divine intervention. Ban it be proven? If it happens realitively at the tiem ofthe problem, it's a good guess. Ulitmately, you must remember, you're dealing with a God who proves His existance in small things, not big neon flashing signs. But if saying it's possible scares someone into ebhaving, no harm, no fowl. Why get tehnicnal?
Some of you may wonder where this is leading, basically, Sci Fi, or Utahraptor has never shown to me, that he is capable of meeting his own challenge. That being to let it go, and walk away with dignity. Ive noticed several instances where Utahraptor would arrive on the board, and fire a salvo of direct insults toword a specific person. How is this different than the "Grempire"? We'll as you've noticed, Earth is pretty boring, and filled with all sorts of annoyances. So we go somewhere to let off steam about the kind of dumb things that happen to relatively good people. When a discussion of any type approaches, most people would be glad to jump in and share ideas. However, when anyone would happen to say something that just looks like a bad idea, or the result of too much caffene/heroine/lysurgic dextrone/insert mind altering situation or chemical here, anyone I can think of would not hesitate to point it out. Most people arent trying to be harmfull about this, and the end result usually ends up being a harmless, fun, insult war. Swyndle and I do it all the time. Now from here, we can derive that when something is taken without the inent behind it, and declared as an attempt to start a fight. The original target of the "fun" becomes the attacker. When things like this happen, somone will most definitely be attacked, maliciosly.
What do we have so far, Person A, says something that diddnt quite work with the way person B thinks. Person B brings this up somehow, possibly with a minour poke at person A. Person A then decides, that intead of asking for a reason, or an apology, or playing along, or presenting any sort of explanation, that ones most logical course would be to strike at the source of his insult, intending cruelty. Now suddenly, person B has become a target of distrust, or even hatred. Unprovoked, I would expect person B to be fairly well certian of person A's intent to flame without reason.
Whos Who in this whole mess? I dont really know for sure, nor do I care. What Im saying is simple, I've never once been witness to Gremlin directly calling anyone on his board an inferior. Idiot, yes, several times, because we all run into them. Or at least those we pass off as idiots.
My Point? Utahraptor has said alot of things I dont agree with.
Some of them I will say I found pretty stoopid. (Yes, two "O"'s Look at the cover of Alice Coopers "91 album to find out why) However it was his reactions to people that fostered what I think about him. Yes, I do challenge his opinions, several of them anyway. But I also point out and support those things that make sense to me. People do that, Ive gotten used to it.
And, to respond in a place where I can be relavtively assured that no one will erase the post....
Article: Read: he's still trying to catch up on older posts. My own challenge had long since been met, and that failing, changes made. Met, failing, and made don't work together, for smart people. Most people do not see a gentle tease on a post. Here we all get images of a gentle tease impaled upon a post--or, since Overload here is some sort of NeoNazi, that might be a predictable typo for 'gentile'. Actually, I've seen Hunter do that. Did you film her, or are you merely watching though the window? Her cute little I'm going to hurt you now replies. You should have seen the cute things she did for her DVC.... And not eveyrone means a joyous little ribibng with no reral ahrm. And even less can pronounce 'a joyous little ribibng with no reral ahrm'. As Imp has shown, he intended to specifically attack me. Allowing that you're an idiot--worse, a StarTrek fan--does your split infinitive reflect 'specifically intended', or 'specifically you'? Claimign to have reached hsi point. Misspellings notwithstanding, we're waiting for the complimentary subject--as in, Order Now and Receive a Complimentary Subject with Your Predicate. Dumbass. Did he ever ask me to stop? No. Did he ever stop you to ask? No. Did he ever dicuss his problems? No. More accurately, not with you; he mentioned them to me; possibly because I surpass his vocabulary, and don't cause him headaches for thinking down in conversation.... He decided he didn't like what I had to say, and was going to get rid of me. I'll second that one.... It didn't work, Curses: foiled again and he failed to realize a new tactic was needed. Carpetbombing your neighbourhood? Veyr few people ever asked me tos top, or wanted to discuss their difference of opinion. Dude: very few people want to talk to you. That's why you hide in your cellar and switch off the download nasties of FemKlingons whenever the stairs creak. Once I went on the fofensive, they asked me to stop, but it was too late. Because I'd banned you. One could always have replied with, "Geeze, I was just funning ya, lighten up." Though no one who wouldn't regress to a verb like 'funning'. However, no one did. No one who could figure out that Gah! Clear it... doesn't post the message.... No oen ever did anyhtign to indicate a simple joke. You are a simple joke; I'm indicating you right now. And your reasoning on their presumed attack is the same as my saying I'm attacked. Not really. Our reasoning is spelled correctly, and rational in general; you're merely an idiot. The fact I mentioend several times you'll get what you give, and to discuss things with me, seemed to mena nothing to anyone, and they jsut continued, rather than simply saying I don't agree because. It's a new record: Longest Brainless RunOn Sentence Ending in a Conjunction.... Ironically, I was about to leave that April for a few months, when Imp went senior psychopath on us. Not ironic; you can't leave a month for a few months, unless 'that' should've read as 'in'; 'senior psychopath' is a mixed metaphor, though Imp is clearly more advanced than you--a psychotic freschman sort; it wasn't on us--just you. So I had to stay. You lost track of the Back button? He guaranteed I'd never leave. So, by banning you, I defaulted Imp into the Money Back part? Shit. Sorry, Imp.... Of course, the fact that someone has shown they perceive only atatcks means you kinda want to vary a response, not continue until they figure out you weren't trying to intentionally flame them. Thanks for the advise; we'll vary our responses to you. And mot of my flames were the similiar pointignout of stupidity. Order Now, and Receive Complimentary Exemplification.... Now, if babies wanna screw with usernames, trying to create some sort of insult, well, I can't be responsible for the consequences. Since you can't be held responsible even for typing.... As for cancer punishment, some belive in divine intervention. And some believe in alien abductions, and honest politicians, and laws disallowing taxation without representation, and your girlfriend, and other mythical concepts. Ban it be proven? Close. Ban BangBang. If it happens realitively at the tiem ofthe problem, it's a good guess. If an utterly diseased, brainless, paranoid, confused, FuckIt guess.... Ulitmately, you must remember, you're dealing with a God who proves His existance in small things, not big neon flashing signs. Big, flashing neon signs are small things; a big thing might resemble Krakatoa. Dumbass. But if saying it's possible scares someone into ebhaving, no harm, no fowl. No injury, no birds; fuck you're dumb.... Why get tehnicnal? ...when you can bang out uninspired bullshit and proclaim it reality....
Actually, I've arrived after reading a previous attack on me.
- Re: News from BangBang
posted by Charon on 15 February 2000 at 17:18:03