Re: News from BangBang
Posted by Charon on 15 February 2000 at 17:18:03:
In Reply to: News from BangBang posted by Gremlin on 14 February 2000 at 12:03:46:
To quote a friend, "I win." Charon
: Article:
Actually, I've arrived after reading a previous attack on me.
Oh that wasnt an attack, that was rational discussion, an attack would be something like. "How do we get you to contemplate suicide?"
My own challenge had long since been met, and that failing, changes made.
Yet another "Things that make ya go, what the fuck are you trying to get across?
Most people do not see a gentle tease on a post. Utah, you wouldn tknow a gentle tease if she sat on your face.
Actually, I've seen Hunter do that.
Umm...sorry hunter bad timing, not refering to you.
Her cute little I'm going to hurt you now replies.
Oh you mean something like, 'Dammit why are you still alive you feckless twit?', those cute responces?
And not eveyrone means a joyous little ribibng with no reral ahrm.
Noone speaking to you anyway...
As Imp has shown, he intended to specifically attack me.
See above
Claimign to have reached hsi point.
Is that related to a cardigan?
Did he ever ask me to stop?
Possibly the fact (yes fact, get used to them, they are your friends) that you hae been banned should have told you not to come back.
Yes, trust in the Charon, he is correct
Did he ever dicuss his problems? No. This isnt AlAnon.
He decided he didn't like what I had to say, and was going to get rid of me. Good idea, why diddn't it work?
It didn't work, and he failed to realize a new tactic was needed.
Are you refusing to answer me?
Veyr few people ever asked me tos top, or wanted to discuss their difference of opinion. Okay... tos top.
Once I went on the fofensive, they asked me to stop, but it was too late.
You had allready said something stoopid again.
One could always have replied with, "Geeze, I was just funning ya, lighten up." However, no one did. No oen ever did anyhtign to indicate a simple joke.
Then maybe they just think you're an idiot
And your reasoning on their presumed attack is the same as my saying I'm attacked. That was the point.
The fact I mentioend several times you'll get what you give, and to discuss things with me, seemed to mena nothing to anyone, and they jsut continued, rather than simply saying I don't agree because.
This word you keep using, (fact) I dont not thin it means what you thin it means. Ironically,
Moronically, lets call the whole thing stoopid.
I was about to leave that April for a few months, when Imp went senior psychopath on us. So I had to stay.
Why, do your alien ancestors require you to probe a psychopath?
He guaranteed I'd never leave.
Its simple, turn off that 233 Packard Bell
: Of course, the fact that someone has shown they perceive only atatcks means you kinda want to vary a response, not continue until they figure out you weren't trying to intentionally flame them. And mot of my flames were the similiar pointignout of stupidity.
Similar, but with failed logic on your end.
Now, if babies wanna screw with usernames, trying to create some sort of insult, well, I can't be responsible for the consequences.
Babies just wanna have fun?
Trust me, had it happened to somone else, you would still be laughing.
: As for cancer punishment, some belive in divine intervention.
Some would rationalize that answer. Would any benevolent creator wish a punishment equating to the liquifying of somones brain? Or would it simply not create the capacity for evil in the first place?
Ban it be proven? If it happens realitively at the tiem ofthe problem, it's a good guess.
You can find coincidence in everything, its not that hard.
Ulitmately, you must remember, you're dealing with a God who proves His existance in small things, not big neon flashing signs.
Secret Creator! Secret Creator!
I'm not dealing with any god, one certianly doesn't deal with me. Moment of doubt in faith or whatever you call it, Iaveh isn't my answer.
But if saying it's possible scares someone into ebhaving, no harm, no fowl.
That makes about as much sense as telling a child not to go outside because he'll explode. You talk about scaring people, well fear is harmfull. Ever hear of panic attacks? Stop to think about what things would be like if everyone was afraid of doing anything, for fear of their own safety, or even more selfishly, fear of harming somone else because they would be "punished by god." Pretty boring place I would imagine.
Why get tehnicnal?
I thought that was the point of discussion forums, technical analisys of the current topic. -}