Since it was mentioned...
Posted by Hunter on 30 January 2000 at 17:55:01:
In Reply to: RogerRoger posted by Gremlin on 30 January 2000 at 16:12:04:

: : I'm crushed. Yutzy the gay alien completely missed me. This for anyone new to the game, is Yutzy...
Yeah. He missed me too, kinda. Worse, though. He remembered that my name was, indeed, Hunter.
: : Sure, we all have funny things to say, but I think I'm the rudest(not to be confused with eruditest) one of us. Ask Vigo. I don't really have problems with him anymore, but does anyone here remember when we did?
: Here's where Banger lunges on your 'unerudite' admission like the assloaf he is....
And maybe he'll start going back to the boards he has archived on his computer, pulling stuff off of them....
: : Pantload entered some sort of challenge to Imp earlier, he attacked Host with something about karma. He even used that "Sunshine" moniker for Hunter. i'm not sure what that's about, but I can safely assume it has about as much sense to it as "Wooden head."
Actually, I'm thinking that this has a lot to do with the fact that the name seems to be everything I'm not. It's a personality thing....
: : So let see if I can go ahead and put this all in perspective for Lordofthedunce.
: Forced perspective.
And you'd really have more luck with a blunt object....
: : Which brings up this, maybe we should pay Underroos Lad a visit so he can later remark how the entire cast of The Grempire hid behind lil' ol' me.
Stop by and pick me up on the way.....
: : Grem, well, Grem's an interesting study in women's affections, and i don't have time to get into it. Look, the guy got Hunter to come to him, unlike Dan or myself, which says something.
Didn't really know anyone was interested....
: Oh. Sorry about that. She grabbed me.
You can't prove that...
: : Hunter has a wierd appeal here. I think it's because she's the female that's been here the longest. She's a pretty good lookin' chic. It all works out.
Huh? What's weird? And, um, thanks.
: And she's real bloody limber, too....
Actually, no I'm not. Not too terribly limber, anyway. Then again, I wasn't paying much attention at the time.
: : Remember, if you don't want your idiots to come to harm, be it physical or otherwise, then don't bring your idiots to me. All those who have idiots with them, are encouraged to leave their idiots outside. This institution and it's agents,
: : affiliates ad nauseum, not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged idiots.
: Not that we receive many idiots in good working condition....
And you'll never prove it was our fault, anyway..... ~Hunter
- Re: Since it was mentioned...
posted by Swyndle on 01 February 2000 at 06:41:30
- Huh. Okay.
posted by Hunter on 01 February 2000 at 07:04:54
- Re: Huh. Okay.
posted by Swyndle on 01 February 2000 at 07:19:11
- Re: Huh. Okay.
posted by Swyndle on 01 February 2000 at 07:19:11
- Huh. Okay.
posted by Hunter on 01 February 2000 at 07:04:54
- So I may as well add....
posted by Gremlin on 31 January 2000 at 13:35:14
- And since it's my turn.....
posted by Hunter on 31 January 2000 at 19:34:48
- And since it's my turn.....
posted by Hunter on 31 January 2000 at 19:34:48
(0) -}