Posted by Gremlin on 30 January 2000 at 16:12:04:
In Reply to: Hello? This thing on... posted by Swyndle on 30 January 2000 at 15:18:35:
: Greetings, all, Swyndle here.
: I'm crushed. Yutzy the gay alien completely missed me. This for anyone new to the game, is Yutzy...
Nah; here he is:

: This, for those playing at home, is Swyndle...

: Now lets look at this whole thing for a moment.
: A new name and yet nobody cares. Overlord, yeah, good one.
The anagramme this time is v-drooler.
: Next of course, is the fact that, as I have been following Overload's idiocy, and posted replies to said, I think I'm the one of us that's the most, well, downright mean.
: Sure, we all have funny things to say, but I think I'm the rudest(not to be confused with eruditest) one of us. Ask Vigo. I don't really have problems with him anymore, but does anyone here remember when we did?
Here's where Banger lunges on your 'unerudite' admission like the assloaf he is....
: It has been mentioned before that, were this a sit-com, I'd be the crass guy.
While IRL, you're...huh: life imitates art, I guess....
: And I would too, I like it. It's funny.
Yeah. Generally. Except for that time I fell asleep and you put your dick in--oh wait...that wasn't us; that was Trey and Matt over in Lakewood....
: Pantload entered some sort of challenge to Imp earlier, he attacked Host with something about karma. He even used that "Sunshine" moniker for Hunter. i'm not sure what that's about, but I can safely assume it has about as much sense to it as "Wooden head."
Sense. BangBang. Sense. BangBang. One of these things is not like the other one....
: So let see if I can go ahead and put this all in perspective for Lordofthedunce.
Forced perspective.
: First, karma, were we to accept it's existence, only brings bad to people who do bad.
And wrath to people who do dumb.
: Twip, is a supposed insult used, and invented for, the Batman Beyond cartoon. It's my business to know that, I'm a cartoonist.
Ironically, Banger would be the biggest fan of this stuff, though he'd claimed that the reference to Yarf I wrote in 1995 was a direct result of his eruditititionismness, or something....
: Another thing I noticed, was that either:
: A)Someone got Ubertoad a fancy keyboard with actual words instead of letters and the "over" key got stuck, or:
: B)He's been practicing his typing and wanted to show us his progress,OR:
: C)He really likes the way the word "over" looks.
D) He worked out CTRL-V.
: In any case, he's still an idiot. Oh look, I said idiot. He's gonna want to flail his arms wildly about the room now.
I'm a squid! I'm a squid!
: Am i anti-semetic? No. Am I anti-Underlard? Most definitely. You see, I tend to get a little pissy when people-albeit piltdown man here- attack my friends. Again, ask Vigo.
I have. He agrees.
: Which brings up this, maybe we should pay Underroos Lad a visit so he can later remark how the entire cast of The Grempire hid behind lil' ol' me.
: Oh, I remember now, I'm not supposed to say he's an idiot, because it hurts his feelings. Okie.
: You're an obstreperous whelp.
Pretty much; yeah. Until he finds a synonym for 'obstreperous'. Or, knowing his habits, a synamon.
: And the lord spake unto me, I love this word, spake, and sayeth, yay though I am the omnnipotent master of all, I'm still a novice at omniscience and accidentally made this worthless pile of excrement. And his name shall be called Wonderbra, though breasts he shall never partake of.
: And the lord looked upon Groverlad, and saw that it was, um, well, a bit dissapointing.
And free love returned, and so did the cans of RC Cola with the logo which resembled the logo for the Chicago Cubs and not what might happen if an epileptic grafitti tagger were just about to krylon something entirely else on the wall but tripped over a well-camouflaged moose.
: I'm reminded of this Iranian midget who climbed up my shirt once, he didn't have any redeeming qualities either.(BTW Grem, he shot himself in the foot, and Pick's in jail for grand theft auto)
Dude: it was a .25 Beretta. How does that do any damage?
: In all fairness, I do have to thank Hoverboard, if not for him, I'd have to like, go out in the sun to get a good laugh. I mentioned that to Grem the other day. The board is a fun place again. For me anyway. I know the average Joe would probably prefer not to get into these things, but, well, for once i have a reason to be here, I might even move my site back in so it's one stop bopping.
Ah. You're the one looking for flamewars. Banger missed that one....
: I need caffiene hold on a moment.
Seems fair.
: Back now.
Saw that.
: As for Imp or host or any of the rest of us making a difference when we post...
: Can anyone here honestly tell me that they thought they were going to change anything important?
: Sure alot of us would like Wideload to go away, but he's hardly important. Impotent, yes, but in no an actual hinderence to any of us.
Nah. No one has ever EMailed me mentioning that he was at all dangerous; people just laugh at him, but are sick of his replies to every damned post on the board--including ones he'd posted.
: "For eyed" you know I read that and chuckled, a great many women I've met whilst in Dead moines would , and have, considered Imp to be pretty attractive. Hell even Wysp thought so.
: Tall, brainy, and great hair. Not a big muscle guy, but cut. She goes for that.
I, of course, have the wrong hair....
: As for JP SUPERFREAK!!!!!!!, I couldn't say, never seen you.
Though sometimes, at night, when the wolves howl...I guess we still can't see him....
: Grem, well, Grem's an interesting study in women's affections, and i don't have time to get into it. Look, the guy got Hunter to come to him, unlike Dan or myself, which says something.
Oh. Sorry about that. She grabbed me.
: Hunter has a wierd appeal here. I think it's because she's the female that's been here the longest. She's a pretty good lookin' chic. It all works out.
And she's real bloody limber, too....
: Me? I'm engaged, but were I not, I assure you that I've never had any problems before.
There was that one time; but that may have been my fault.
: Undercarriage? Well, see above and tell me you'd romance the guy. Although, if my scanner wasn't busted right now, I could post a pic of me having sex with his mom. Which would probably lead to conjecture that my genes did that to him, but I can assure you she'd already dropped puppy by the time I got to her.
Live on Mutual of Omaha.
: I also would like to mention that Imp can be a formidible opponent when it comes to these things.
: He's got brains, and for twenty or thirty bucks, he might get you some too. Don't mind the coat-hanger.
Free if you order within thirty minutes.
: Remember, if you don't want your idiots to come to harm, be it physical or otherwise, then don't bring your idiots to me. All those who have idiots with them, are encouraged to leave their idiots outside. This institution and it's agents,
: affiliates ad nauseum, not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged idiots.
Not that we receive many idiots in good working condition....
: Of course, that's just my opinion, I could be right.
Could be....
: _Oh shit, I fucking forgot to use a fucking shitload of curse words. Goddammit.
I'm sure no one'll notice....
- Since it was mentioned...
posted by Hunter on 30 January 2000 at 17:55:01
- Re: Since it was mentioned...
posted by Swyndle on 01 February 2000 at 06:41:30
- Huh. Okay.
posted by Hunter on 01 February 2000 at 07:04:54
- Re: Huh. Okay.
posted by Swyndle on 01 February 2000 at 07:19:11
- Re: Huh. Okay.
posted by Swyndle on 01 February 2000 at 07:19:11
- Huh. Okay.
posted by Hunter on 01 February 2000 at 07:04:54
- So I may as well add....
posted by Gremlin on 31 January 2000 at 13:35:14
- And since it's my turn.....
posted by Hunter on 31 January 2000 at 19:34:48
- And since it's my turn.....
posted by Hunter on 31 January 2000 at 19:34:48
- Re: Since it was mentioned...
posted by Swyndle on 01 February 2000 at 06:41:30
- I copy, commencing operation "Smack a Dumbshit"
posted by Charon on 30 January 2000 at 17:43:43