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My opinion on Red The Nut
Posted by BerzerkerTam [ - proxy1.rott.chello.nl] on 15 June 2001 at 09.16.15:
Well, I finished reading the Red Nut files.
It took me a while and I came to a few points....
First, why is it that Red and her nutty friends
can't spell?
Hell I am from Holland and I can spell better then
Second, what she did to her cat, sorry Milady Red,
but you can't talk that right, there is no excuse
for being so dumb, what you did was cruelty towards an animal and you should be punished for that. Maybe you can't help it, coz you are so fucking ignorant and dumb.
Third, I would like to know what the fucking use
is of dyeing a cat or any animal.......
WHY? Let an animal be an animal....and for those
poodles....those poor creatures look like shit,
while before they got cut and dyed, they look
really nice, normal dogs, but because of weird people that think it is necessary to dress animals
up in skirts or cut off their tails coz they think
it looks so good, those animals are the victims.
The victims of strange weird cruel stupid people
with terrible fashion problems.
Red if you want to dye your own hair, go ahead....
not that it makes any difference coz even how hard
you try you will never get the colour of a natural
redhead like me.
But let's remember, animals have rights too, and they don't need to be the victim of your low IQ.
Third, you are a thief, face it......whining about
your grandparents and YOUR property....I wonder,
did you actually pay yourself for that computer and supplies or did your grandparents......
I think the last eh?
Fourth, you have a big jealousy problem, from what
I read you are setting people up against each other. Also don't you think it is very sad to talk
to yourself in chats, giving yourself compliments?
Fifth, you don't deserve those compliments, not
even from yourself, coz you are UGLY girl...
Hell you are almost 19 and I am 4 years older then
you but you look like a fucking junkie whore....
Only then a fat one. I would say you were atleast
Sixth, I know very well that I am in other people's business now.....but I just had to say it. Let's face it, I don't like people who use
innocent people and animals for their own stupid
benefits. I hope they will nail you for what you
have done. Hell you should be pleased I don't
live there, coz I would have told you in your fat
face to shut the fuck up and get your fat ass out.
Gremlin and Hunter, I know it doesn't help much,
but still you have my support, dumb people like
that should be locked up.
- My two cents posted by wolfeman_psycho [ - dark-cas4-cs-14.dial.bright.net] on 15 June 2001 at 18.04.30
- Hunter gave me some insight posted by wolfeman_psycho [ - dark-cas6-cs-1.dial.bright.net] on 16 June 2001 at 03.55.04
- Hunter gave me some insight posted by wolfeman_psycho [ - dark-cas6-cs-1.dial.bright.net] on 16 June 2001 at 03.55.04
- Re: You're entitled to your opinion. posted by Hunter [ - c83540-b.aurora1.co.home.com] on 15 June 2001 at 15.56.43
- If it helps any... posted by Swyndle [ - dnvr-dsl-gw8-c115.dnvr.uswest.net] on 15 June 2001 at 14.03.05