Reply to the subjective musings of a first grader
Posted by Mephistopheles on 11 February 1999 at 02:53:19:
In Reply to: Re: Reality posted by Utahraptor on 10 February 1999 at 09:20:39:
: : First of all, why did you write this? What if someone read your bad rhetoric, and now they lost faith with thier religion? Is that what your trying to accomplish? You know, it just kills me that someone without clue one in their head can sit behind a computer and smugly hurl this junk at people they will never see! Do you ever think of the consequences of your actions? Do you know what a archetype is? Although you sit there and compose this long list of absolute garbage, you can't get past your own narrow mind. The religion is not the problem, it's loud mouthed, arrogant fools like you! Wake up!
: I worte this to prove a point, and becasue of the sueing God bit, and all Grmelins discussions on God's non existance.
You sure proved it to me. Maybe you proved it to Gremlin though. Would you feel better if you had?
Bad rhetoric? I know not what rhetoirc is, but it's definitely nto bad.
No, it really is. Like the spelling. I guess the same faculties do go hand in hand though. English and all that. It's a class they teach in schools. You know, grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc.
Andif they loose faith int heirr eligion, A) thye ahd no faith ever
How can you lose something you never had? Any thoughts on that? Hmm... I'm waiting.
B) thyes eeme dto msis the part on I'm not trying to offend anyone (like you msise dit, Mr. Illeiterate.)
I would think that if this person really is illiterate, you wouldn't be writing a response, would you? More of that mind-numbing logic I assume. So, you spout off a bunch of waste, you totally rip apart parts of the Bible with your pithy reasoning and expect people to believe that you're Mensa's Man of the Year, but you weren't trying to offend anyone? What did you think you was going to happen? Did you think you were going to get the Nobel Peace Prize? Maybe a Pulitzer?
3) if their faith si base dont hese htigns, they are fools.
Quite possibly. Fools come in so many shapes and web-names.
Faith needs mroe than a flood, cloned sons, and tow humans icnetsing abotu humanity.
So, when will you be opening your church? Remind me to bomb it.
: Oh like you have not clue one?
Could you say that again in English?
Yes, I can see how you hate yourself so.
Sorry, try door number two. You can see how this person hates themself? Are you out of your body? How would you know where to look?
I htink of the consequence sof my actions all the time. Shame you don't.
And exactly how would you know that? It's a shame that you don't actually HAVE a grasp of reality. Maybe you should change the subject title to "Subjective Idiocy by Me.", and leave out the part where you have the answers to all of the questions that people infinitely brighter than you have been unable to find in the past or the present.
: Archetype? Wlel my list is pure truth.
Pure truth. PROVE IT. Not with your logic, with real facts. I don't consider what you prattled on about as real facts. Truth is a relative thing. What's pure truth? Is that truth that only originated from one person and hasn't been sullied by others? I think the truth is that you wanted to impress some people and you failed.
Only garbage here is yours.
Well, thank God! I didn't want the garbage that's HERE! Remind me not to go THERE or else I'll probably have to claim it.
My mind's a lot more wider than you's.
Yeah, I can see that. Open to a little criticism huh? Thinking that maybe someone is right instead of you? You're proving it in this post too.
Who's the Ass degrading other they'll never see , not caring what conseuences their atcions bring, psoting dribble at bets (and it's at it's worst),a nd who's the anrrow minde doen that blindly accepts thta 2 of every animal, plus 1--8 humans, plus food water and waste cna all fit on a 450 long ark, and stay afloat for 40 days and nights, plsu extra non rainy time?
Well, the Ass would be you, that was already established. What consequences? Were your widdo feewings hut? That's DRIVEL, dribble has to do with saliva or basketball. Where does it say that the writer of the response blindly accepts anything? I think you're jumping to conclusions just a tad bit, and I also think you need to get off of this Ark thing. Did you have a bad experience on a boat with an animal or something? It's called therapy, look into it.
: You need to WAKE UP my evil, brianless fiend.
Evil. Hmm... Doesn't the Bible say that evil exists? Well, you've totally proven that we can't believe the Bible, so evil must not exist either. I don't think that someone can be evil if it doesn't exist. How do you know this person is brianless? There are a hell of a lot of Brians out there you know! Fiend? Nice attempt at witty repetoire.
You'r ethe loud mouthed arrogant fool times too.
Is that supposed to be X2? As in multiplied by two? So are you saying that there is only ONE arrogant, loud-mouthed fool out there? Surely you jest! This whole time I thought I'd been overrun.
You cna't get past what you've been forced to believe,a nd balme others for saying you're wrong.
You just can't get past others saying you're wrong. You have absolutely no idea what this person believes. When you do, then you will be allowed to speak of it.
REligion si nto the problem ehre, it's eediots liek you who force your reliigon and beliefs on toehrs.
There was a forcing of religion onto other people here? I simply thought that it was one person unhappy with another person who thinks they have all of the answers when it's clear that they don't and shouldn't act like an authority on a subject that the person obviously took no time to study. Which religion was being forced here? The religion of intelligence? The religion of forethought? Which one?
Stop ringing our belsl tyrign to ge tus to convert to a Jesus is savign us and no oen els eeve rwill society.
I didn't see anything about converting anyone to a Jesus... society. Hell! I didn't even see those words at all! Which post were you reading? Did you get lost? I suppose it wouldn't be to hard for you, you seem pretty lost enough just with language use, reasoning, maybe math too.
All religions are cults. Hello! Atheism is a cult. Move on!
Can't handle a little questioning of one's belief?
That's a bit hypocritical don't you think? Who can't handle questioning of one's beliefs? Maybe you just can't handle beliefs in general.
Did you find Bambi's mother's detah sad? At all?
No, I killed her. Wanna be next?
: Don't read Gremlin's HWta's NEw, or you'll have to dela with him telling yuo you're relaity altering God doesn'tmexist.
Ooooh, should we be scared? Once again, you're assuming that this person even believes in God. Maybe this person just believes in NOT PUSHING YOUR OPINIONS, ESPECIALLY RETARDED OPINIONS ON OTHER PEOPLE AND SAYING THAT IT IS THE ONLY TRUTH. Gee, didn't you claim to be doing that too? Unfortunately, you accomplished exactly what you were bitching about. It doesn't matter what the subject is you know, it's still pushing your opinion on other people.
Hello Kettle, this is pot, you're black.
Well, what do you expetc from an eediot who name shismelf afetr none xistant animals?
So, Utharaptors are still in existence? Look to the Kettle line if you can find it again.
Sheesh. It's brianless Sapes like you who keep me strande dont hsi miserabel dump of a bakcwate rpalnet, chock full of Stoen AGe technology,w hile the rest fo the unvierse gets to travel about the JEt Age with my Scientia.
I see, so you place your potential in the hands of other people. I guess that explains why you've made it so far in life. You know, you can't just wait around for things to happen to you. Nothing will happen, but deterioration. I guess I should have caught you earlier, it looks as if I'm too late.
: PS. This pos twas to offend you.
That definitely shows your maturity level. Mine was to do the same to you. I'm not saying that I'm at you're level, I'm just playing on the court we're on. By the way, that was a metaphor, like the whole snake thing. An archetype is a general representation of something else. It's used so everyone can understand. Unfortunately for you, it seems to have slipped by you unnoticed.
Please make sure to raise your blood pressur eby at elast 10 points.
Hopefully, I usually have really low blood pressure so it'll probably be healthy for me.
I'd say Lauqe Era LLa OT, but you clealy don't believe in it.
Don't believe in it? I can't even read it? Whether or not it's believed in, the world may never know.
Well,w hat do you expcet form oenw ith less inteligenc than fund in half the brain of a dead ameba?
Not a whole lot, I'm clearly responding to one such as that right now. I think I am anyway. I can't be too sure of the question. I guess you do know everything, so I don't have to ask how you know the intelligence level of the person you're referring to. If the words I'm using are too complicated (hard) for you to understand (know), just let me know and I'll try harder to dumb it down next time.
And htye ahve no brains, incedentally.
So you have something in common with them. It's so nice that you've found new friends!
: PSS I purposely refused to spell chekc jsut to annoy you.
You have to use spell check to write stuff like this? I'm sorry.
Yeha i cna spell, my psot cna prove that.
No, you really can't and no, your post doesn't prove it, it proves the opposite.
OH wait, I forgot, you cna't read,c na you?
We already established the whole reading thing didn't we? However, you may be right. Maybe that person just can't read your post, although I know that they can read an encyclopedia pretty well. You know what an encyclopedia is don't you? Big book, lots of information that you can use when making arguments. Oh, you probably don't then, what was I thinking?
Are you Dan Quayle? Are you related to him? C'mon, you can tell me. I won't tell anyone, I promise.
Well, ask Mommy to tell you how I'm ignoring your moronic little repleis that she ahd to amek for you, Nit wit.
You're ignoring them? Well then I must be typing to no one. My, but you do have an intelligence complex don't you? Don't try to hard to keep up with the rest of us, you'll only hurt yourself.
- Re: Reply to Subjective Idiocy by Me
11 February 1999 at 09:38:46
- From the depths of my fires
12 February 1999 at 01:37:16
- Re: From the depths of my fires
12 February 1999 at 08:18:09
- Re: From the depths of my fires
12 February 1999 at 18:39:01
- Re: From the depths of my fires
The Hunter
13 February 1999 at 08:44:52
- Re: From the depths of my fires
The Hunter
13 February 1999 at 08:44:52
- Re: From the depths of my fires
12 February 1999 at 14:43:34
- Re: From the depths of my fires
13 February 1999 at 08:48:25
- Boy, you sure got me good...
14 February 1999 at 21:47:10
- Re: Boy, you sure got me good...
15 February 1999 at 07:58:48
- I believe assumptions are being made Utahraptor.....Hmmmmmmm.
The Imp
14 February 1999 at 22:37:40
- Re: Boy, you sure got me good...
15 February 1999 at 07:58:48
- Boy, you sure got me good...
14 February 1999 at 21:47:10
- Re: From the depths of my fires
13 February 1999 at 08:48:25
- Re: From the depths of my fires
12 February 1999 at 18:39:01
- Re: To the depth of the ark
12 February 1999 at 03:38:54
- I like that....
12 February 1999 at 03:49:55
- Seemed to fit =) --nt--
12 February 1999 at 04:34:36
- Re: An Ark On Fire
12 February 1999 at 08:21:10
- Re: An Ark On Fire
12 February 1999 at 08:21:10
- Seemed to fit =) --nt--
12 February 1999 at 04:34:36
- I like that....
12 February 1999 at 03:49:55
- Re: From the depths of my fires
12 February 1999 at 08:18:09
- Re: I believe that in theory anything is possible, not probable, but possible............. *nt*
The Imp
12 February 1999 at 01:17:52
- From the depths of my fires
12 February 1999 at 01:37:16
- Not bad...
11 February 1999 at 07:21:06
- Re: Not bad...
15 February 1999 at 00:33:12
- No more caffeine for you...
15 February 1999 at 13:43:53
- No more caffeine for you...
15 February 1999 at 13:43:53
- Re: Not bad...
15 February 1999 at 00:33:12