What's New

Posted by Gremlin on 26 June 1999 at 21:32:55:

 So the board seems to be picking up again...

I'll get to that in a minute...

I finally tracked down an ISP with which I could sign up online. Not that it really helped: I was hacked into AOL from Leslie's computer when I did it, EMailed the DNS and phone numbers over to my EMail address, and never saw them again. So I'll have to go back over there and look for them on her computer. And her computer isn't bad, really. The best of the worst: an IBM Aptiva tower at PIII 450Mhz. Could be a lot worse. Or, it could be a unix system...but probably not in this town. Tell someone you want parts for an Amiga here, and they refer you to Izuzu.

Anyway, whenever I get the numbers again, I can stop using AOHell to get online. That should do for a start.

And I picked up MarioKart a couple of days ago. The trick there is that the best part of th game is battlemode, which kinda needs more than one player. Um...party at my place...

What else...

LK1 is, I think, now in the penultimate phase of postproduction. I'm proofing through it and catching the dumb little things like misitalicised words and punctuation errors. That's a long story, and it's in the book. Basically, I finished the damned thing back in 1990, and then I've had to retype it a couple of times as computers improved and started off from textfile copies after EMailing it betwixt platforms. So I missed a few things. I think I've got most of them now.

Then, I send off what might well be the final version, wait a few weeks, and it'll be ready to ship. Yay.

We saw Big Daddy last night. That wasn't really that bad. Typically, I can't stand Sandler. The one real exception was The Wedding Singer which was funny as hell. But Waterboy and every other film where he's got to have some sort of lisp to wax amusing is a waste of celluloid. This one was somewhere above most of the others, but maybe not as good as Singer was. At least, I thought so.

And I rented some films. Turns out my Denverian Blockbuster card from 1996 still works, even in Des Moines. If I hadn't put the things on a MasterCard...next time. Free films. Yay again.

So I got both Prophesy films, which, oddly, I've never seen [even now--I'll get to them in a few minutes] and something called Jack Frost which was...um...this will have spoilers, cos I don't get something...

Highlight this if you've seen the film:

So the whole point of the film--the plot device, anyway--is that a serial killer is being transported from Death Row to another location to be killed. En route, the armoured car hits a tanker truck full of some unexplained teratogenic glert. The killer is melted down to the genetic level, and he bonds with the snow. Great.

So it turns out later in the film that the glert in the truck was a genetic contingency plan. In the event of a nuclear war, or whatever, they could melt people with this acid, and genetically bond them to inert substaces--apparently for the benefit of any passing aliens who wouldn't just assume that rocks had DNA or something. Okay; I'll buy that.

Meanwhile, the Badguys are all worried because they've never tested the stuff. 'Not even on amoebae'. Which brings me to my question: who fills a tanker truck with untested genetic material? Maybe it's me, but I would bother making thousands of gallons of anything until I knew what the stuff did. Maybe that's why I rarely turn people into snowmen. I dunno.

Anyway: the film was one of those really bad hacks with some fairly funny moments [in a burst of originality, the monster doubles as a comedian]. See it if you like...

So we've been driving about blowing things up lately. That's always fun. What we really need is another botllerocket war. Oh, and if Grinch happens to read this: I really didn't mean to blow up your girlfriend last time; it was just a lucky shot. And anyway, most of her hair grew back, right? So that settles that.

Here's something you probably shouldn't do in Des Moines:

So we went to Perkins, and this goof started talking to us [apparently Vigo knew him, but didn't really know him on purpose] about how he'd shaved his head because he got lice. Great. So then this dumb bitch sitting next to us starts complaining to us about how she just wants to eat and not hear about lice. So, another question: how is that our fault? And, also, who knew silicone could go all saggy like that.

So we moved the subject over to the church we'd blown up the night before, and then threw Dead Alive into the DVRom and cranked the speakers. We didn't get any complaints after that >:)

Okay. About the mess on the board:

Everyone's heard about message #124 now. The funny thing is, that's the last thing I saw before I disappeared offline for a couple of days. Maybe I misread it, but I thought Imp was talking about Utahraptor's posts about people who lived near him. I think that's what Imp was thinking he meant too. Not that it really matters much.

The problem has nothing to do with who started it; it's what's become of it. What's become of it is that there are suddenly all these new posts from Utahraptor with no point at all. Replies to dead threads, new posts without much thought, replies to his own posts...it's beginning to look like the NetForum did when Alan1 was posting fifty things a day about what a geek he was...or whatever he was trying to tell us. So that's not good.

But about the copius amount of posts, there were a couple of questions left open.

  1. About disproving the existence of visiting extraterrestrials, fine: according to Men in Black the aliens never showed up until nineteen sixty-one, though according to Independence Day, they've been here since at least nineteen forty-seven. That's an apocraphy. So it becomes a religion. Two fictional sources are claiming two different things. So, as with the existence of deities, the burden of proof falls on the plaintiff. Or, behind Door Number Two, prove that I haven't got a Vector being driven by an alligator.
  2. About Imp being a nazi...he's not. And when in hell are people going to search out a better example? Every damned time someone looks at someone the wrong way, they're either a nazi or a slaveowner. Because the upper class of Niger sold the lower class to the highest bidder back in the seventeen hundreds. And because Hitler invaded Poland, France, and half of Europe, and, incidentally, picked up a few jews. If people wanna complain about that, they could probably complain a lot more about current circumstances in Rwanda, where more people are slaughtered in a month than there were during the entire second world war. It's called information; get yours today.

I don't even care anymore. If everyone wants to fight about brainless things, it drives up my hitcounter; if not, there might be something worth reading on the board. Up to you lot.

Oh yeah: about alternatives, Utahraptor has his own message board, and an EMail address. Both can be found at fly.to.starsystem if you're really looking for them. Just in case anyone really thought that there was nowhere else on the whole 'net to go with this.

I think that's it for now. More later...


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