Re: Bang Bang The Raptor? Boishanoi!
Posted by Swyndle on 25 January 2000 at 19:16:25:
In Reply to: Bang Bang The Raptor? Boishanoi! posted by Utahrapto on 25 January 2000 at 09:06:30:

: Gremmy, I know your wooden head can't think logically, usefully, or even at all, but Bang Bang?
More of a sugestion, really.
Can you please explain where the insult in Bang Bang, or even Yutz is? You seem to be missing the point of insults. You wanna actually hurt someone. Not give them a good laugh.
Brain hurting, sense dwindling...
I mean, Bang Bang? That's pathetci, even for your usual low, pathetic attempts at degradation.
Boy, is sexual frsutration really getting to you. You get women so excited theat they're about to sleep with Jeff Goldblum, and then disappoint them with that oversized Der Weinerschnitzl.
They're built that way, not his fault. Well, not always his fault, there was that one, where was she from?..
Perhaps if you at least waited a few days before taking my girlless insults to throw back at me, you might have been believed. Course, it's nice to have "Mom's house" to take a girl to without having to sneak around.
Yo wasudnuka? Probly not.
: Bang Bang?
I tried, but alas, I know not what I talk about.
Why are they here?
They mentioned how much you enjoyed over beers.
(Not that there's any evidence to support they did this on a daily basis.) And why'd they stop doing it?
They exist, they just don't come round here. They did once, then they met man, and stopped doing that.
Besides basing that theory on probability (Possibility is the biggie dumb dumb), and on Douglas Addams' matehmatical calculaiton of 0 lifeforms in the universe (you're a bit too obsessed with him. Even LK1 copied his style way too much), you must play devil's advocate and explain as if you were one of the infinite who believe in aliens, as you know everyhting, and I know nothing. And a genius can very easily do this.
Actually, he does all that in the secret lair.
Case in point: You know that's it's impossible to have an IQ of negative infinity, yet you believe aomebas have brains, people can rent brains, and for some strange reason, unlike a negative infinity IQ, of which you claim no one can functon, having no brain activity is possible (you never did correct Doof on that one.)
Many overwhelming stupidities?
I mean, really, aliens sending one of their own to Earth just to misspell at people here? Oi Vey.
You wanna be our "Special friend" don't you?
Ditto's Dan's board.
I'd do something here, but I'm not convinced that sentence actually ended.
Man, what a moronic loser you are, Gremmy.
In Iowa? Yeah, I think it's the law.
: Hopefully you'll continue with the little dorks and geeks, because as everybody but you knows, geeks and dorks are extra smart.
I knew it! All hot air!
Come on, flaming joke, follow Hoser's wishful thinking and destroy me. Utterly utterly destroy me.
Groping for 'am not'? : And where are your posts defending me as you claimed in Oct? But no, they love to rant and rave, and have thus turned this once wonderful and fun board into Rantapalooza, thanks to their successful take over of your very will and thoughts. It was wearing a camoflaged condum? Much like Julius Ceaser. But don't worry, I'll help get you unjerked (though you don't seem to notice you are), and then everything will be fine. Yep, they were tired of him teaching the faculty at school. You know, that place with those bathrooms you smoked in for 7 or 8 years?) Never did understand your obsession with IQ's. What, still within three digits? What kind of super genius can't answer a simple questions, and instead flames because someone insists he's part of a mass literary conspieracy? Just on the ropes. How? You're too stupid to keep track of that many loose ends. apparently graded on a loop. Kinda makes calling mr a lair redundantly monotamous. I admit it, I put a homing flea collar on you. How do you know how much eladership I exert? Still working with blocks are you. And thta's because so many people are too stupid to know being wrong if even that), doesn't make them stupid. Course, most places don't have idjits following suit and trying to impress the lamewads by emelating them, like Swyndle and Mac do here. Congratulations on properly spelling my moniker, did you hire a typist? Not that anyone is impressed by their copy cat capabilities. Good, not completely filling, but good. First you really blow it at Universal's Net Forum with Alan1, creating a major unstoppable monster. Then you nealry ruin Dan's when Alan1 shows up. And now, here at your own board, by letting your "friends" run rampant and out of control, while everyone else here begs and pleads for the insanity to stop. I am a repeat offender, I will repeat again... We'll add this description to the list of words you haven't mastered the meaning of yet. Tis ony fair. Yeah, we had intelligent discuusions, free sharing of ideas, point counterpoint sessions, not to mention I got to know Hunter better. Course, Grem's the one the got to sack with the wee lass. Drat. I left form boredom, and thigns go to hell in a handbasket. Katmandu! And the world is going to eat me alive? You've been eaten and spit out. Yup, having a pretty good time knowing we aren't them, neeners. Well, at least I can be abrely qualified to do simple tasks. More of an exercise mat if I'm reading Hunter correctly. Tsk Tsk Tsk. It actualyl too you thta ong to figure out how to stop answering what movie you were watching? Yet unexplained. You never know, god might be out there stuck in something that he needs us and science to get him out of. Wouldn't that change a few views. Science shows matter in the universe traveling past the speed of light, and measures some star ages to be older than the universe itself. You even believe Karma is nothing more than coincidence. Yet too much happens to be coincidence. In fact, it's too much of a coincidence to be coincidence. There's more to it than 5 senses of sceince. He never said he was the smartest ever. How? You have done nothing for us, cured nobody. Please don't annoy the Gremlin, I just got a new house and I'd rather you not provoke him into proving this stuff. : Might as well save you hopes of people ever coming to this board once your books get released. Poeple don't like to post in places where they'll get flamed for holding a different opinion. The goof is out there. You helped make them too scared to post here. pYou found him out, he's the boogeyman. You claim to like different views, yet hate mine. Who wants to be a millionaire? You can't ever expect to be taken seriously if you can't even br consistant. Heck, yuo say nobody ever takes me seriously, yet you and the Moronakateers do. Well, by your standards, I've already fooled you once. I'm still not all that clear on what exactly a deabtable is. I supose I should figure out what a deab is. So defintiely once, if not twice by your moronic counting. And we're all to believe your the universe's greatest genius throughout eternity? They're feeding these things soup now!?! You're too busy pondering the anthropomorphizing of them. Some super genius you turned out to be. I've got a hunch. Because if being smart means being likw you, doing what you do, thinking (and I use that term as losely and ficticously as possible) like you, then of course no one wants to be smart. It's better for eveyrbody that way. Um, howabout, nah, too user friendly... Someone more stupid than you, by your whacked out belief system. Anoher reason noone really posts here (and then only rants at that). Ah, in a perfect world... : And one possible conspieracy theory does not make em oen to post them here. Believing Dave Thomas is stealing your paycheck is suffering from consperiacy theory. Conspiracy, for men, from Calvin and Hobbes... tried that, nobody noticed. And that's not German for The Idiots, The. You're patehtic. You gripe about stuff with no proof, get mad when I supply your proof for you, can't even read the parts spelled right, and are jsut a compete and utter moronic loser, convinced the world owes you everything, and your height somehow makes you immune from smaller people's attacks. Okay, Davey. You're even too afraid to show your face Netside, or write a book with your own name on it. Grempire was actually a submission from someone else who had taken a few minutes to make the logo, so, why not? You have to make me look like an idiot, twist my words around, take things out of context, add stuff to them, use the worst posisble examples to prove your point, and call me names just to make someone else believe I'm actually stupid. Not to be taken orally... You take me too seriously, don't know a joke when you read one (and trust me, you have lost here for a lawyer, representing Seinfeld or anyone to get the death penalty) and insist everybody agrees with you while endlessly having to show them why you're right. How to tell if you realy are a schmuk. You complain about me replying line by line, and do the same, twisting things around, and saying the same thing over and over again. I'm an idiot. Ow, that's gonna leave a mark. You kiss your love doll with that mouth? Don't even know an insult when you're called one, or how to insult someone at all. You live in a fantasy world, hiding form the harsh reality that kicked your butt. You wnat sex? They get kinda heavy after awhile though. Even if someone could ebat you up with mere useless words, the fact that a girl did means nothing. As equals to guys, it's to be expected. Until you lose shame voer this, crazy chicks are all you'll ever get. And you have the emotional maturity of a blueberry scone. You find everything you don't understand menaingless. You let a guy misspelling quotes from ficition get to you big time. Pathrtic. You're completely and utterly useless. You don't even exist. Is there an echo in here? For a nonexistaing entity. I guess you wouldd escribe yourself as a small nocturnal creature sent to Earth to destroy happy Net places. And that can only happen if we choose to acknowledge your existence. And I for one, chose not to. Erego, you don't exist. Your inevitable reply of nothing more than You're an idiot does not exist? So, then, you'll leave? : Bang Bang The Raptor. Ha! Troz! ~Swyndle the Swyndle
: And your way too obsessed with science via the 5 sense. Besides living in a world where the 5 don't cover much, you forget it's based on human misunderstandings. Science can't be used to explain everyhting, because science is human understanding of thing based mostly on natural observation.
Maybe if you spent more time learning your scientia, and less time memorizing big words, yet not their meanings, or even the meanings of simple words like flame, well, that is your problem. Quit trying to make us all suffer for it. -}