Message 158 of 218
Re: anocondas (part IV) Sorry, I'm not available snake11215
(44/M/brooklyn,new york city,u.)
10/25/01 2:16 pm
we're all doing fine,& have been for years-we don't need you & your rigid,inflexible thinking.
This Is a Reply to: Msg 157 by BMF_17_M
Message 158 of 218

Message 159 of 218
Re: anocondas (part IV) Sorry, I'm not available BMF_17_M
(20/M/six feet under)
10/25/01 5:49 pm
Damn, it that isn't the pot calling the kettle black. The moment I suggested something that conflicted with your "knowledge" you became as stiff as board and as combative as a badger. My rigidity on this subject comes from personal experience and education. Not half baked opinions based on limited experience with very few species. None of which happen to be anacondas either I might add. The species at the center of this debate.

This Is a Reply to: Msg 158 by snake11215
Message 159 of 218

Message 162 of 218
Regarding the whole Annoconda dispute... I'm online now! evilcoffeechick
(21/F/Denver, Colorado)
10/25/01 5:58 pm
I was just shown to this list by a friend of mine, who I suppose figured I might be interested in what was going on here.

To tell you the truth; I'm rather disgusted. What's the deal with you people balking and crying at people who answered your fuckin' question for you? If you don't wanna know, don't ask. And if you don't wanna know, DO NOT RAISE REPTILES. Ignorance around these animals is often outright dangerous.

I only have a little bit of information on najaboy69 right now, but he *obviously* knows what he's talking about. And I *know* BMF personally. He knows what he's talking about. If he didn't, I wouldn't bother him all the time with my retarded little questions about my varanid and my cornsnake. Comparatively, I have very little 'experience', but that doesn't mean that I don't know anything.

Like the fact that heat-sensory is not the only way that they find things. Ever heard of pheremones? Chemicals given off by living things? If not, I'm astonished, because that was one of the first things I learned about when I started getting into reptiles a little over three years ago. I'd probably have been bitten a lot more had I not learned that they can tell if you're afraid, even if you're not aware that you are.

And: yes. Three years. Like I said: I have no experience, comparatively. Yes, I read books about these animals -- lots of books. I also talk to people who know what they're talking about. I also live with someone who's raised everything from basilisks to A.mississippiensis, and at one point, a C.siamensis. Surviving /that/ bastard might count for something.

Honsetly, I think some of you might do well with a little 'book learning'. You might be surprised to find out how things actually act in the wild. Captive animals are a little different -- mostly because you control their diets. Try reading something for once; you might be surprsied.

Message 162 of 218

Message 163 of 218
Re: anocondas (part IV) Sorry, I'm not available najaboy69
10/25/01 6:08 pm
I guess your hypocrisy knows no bounds... childish, lol (last I checked, I wasn't the one resortting to profanity when proven to be ignorant on a myriad of subjects). Remember, o' great one, this is something that you brought upon yourself. As I have said before, you are only reaping what you have sown. I have no pity for you- only for the snakes which you are subjecting to substandard care.

"you have to be,without a doubt,one of the greatest assholes that i have ever encountered."
Coming from you, I take that as a compliment. After all, you have consistently demonstrated yourself to be the king of all ********. You might not know squat about snakes, but you sure do know about emulating bodily orfices.

"i am far from ignorant"
I'll give you that much. Ignorance is curable. You, on the other hand, are intentionally obtuse. Put another way, it could be said that you don't know your a$$ from a hole in the ground.

"we're all doing fine with no problems.guess we're doing something right,which means we don't need you,do we"
Ever hear of doing something in spite of yourself? You aren't doing anything right. Its a shame that your snakes have to suffer as a result of your idiocy.

"you're just an arrogant snot who loves to wave his so called knowledge in people's faces("look at me,i have an education!")"
You got picked on a lot as a kid didn't you? Either that, or you must've been held back a grade or two. As for me, I'm just someone who knows how to properly care for reptiles, as well as knowing what they eat. You, on the other hand...

"p.s.-my friend ed-another snake keeper(burmese,ball & red tail boa)-says to--no,i won't print that here.."
LOL... well, I guess you sure told me! MENSA cantidates, you and your "friend" are not! Maybe the Darwin Award, but definitely not MENSA.

"we don't need you & your rigid,inflexible thinking"
rigid, inflexible thinking= a basic knowledge of reptile care, knowing what a particular animal eats, and not spreading gross misinformation such as "anacondas are the only large constrictors that consume cold-blooded prey", and attacking someone when they politely correct you.
This Is a Reply to: Msg 155 by snake11215
Message 163 of 218

Message 164 of 218
Re: anocondas (part IV) Sorry, I'm not available najaboy69
10/25/01 6:20 pm
You talk about respect, but have consistently demonstrated yourself to be painfully undeserving of it. Truth be told, this public besmirching of you could have been avoided had you admitted that you were wrong when BMF first corrected you about the dietary habits of large constrictors. But instead of doing the smart thing, and standing corrected, you became rude & indignant about it. But it got even better from there- you continued to stick your foot in your mouth with incorrect posts about labial pits, etc.

Now, I just want you to know that many people, in this club and others, are laughing at you. I take no responsibility for exposing you for the hack that you are. I merely gave you the rope, and you hung yourself with it.
This Is a Reply to: Msg 163 by najaboy69
Message 164 of 218

Message 165 of 218
Re: anocondas (part IV) Sorry, I'm not available snake11215
(44/M/brooklyn,new york city,u.)
10/26/01 1:11 am
just for the record,i have been told by numerous people that i'm one of the most intelligent individuals that they've ever one's snakes are being mistreated-they're all quite healthy.get over your obsession about that.what you can't stand is that an individual stands up to your formality.i had a similar experience with an organization that regulates in-line skating(or tries to).they try to keep a union/mafia like stranghold on certifying instructors.question is,who certifies them to certify others?answer-no one.they just got together & decided that it would be done a certain way,with no room for individuality(such as incorporating the balance principles of tai chi).i've been skating almost since i could walk,i played hockey for years,& i'm more than qualified to teach others.i do not need to take their course & follow their rigid curiculum.this is the same type of problem that i have with you understand now?
This Is a Reply to: Msg 163 by najaboy69
Message 165 of 218

Message 166 of 218
Re: anocondas (part IV) Sorry, I'm not available najaboy69
10/26/01 1:15 am
Apples vs oranges
This Is a Reply to: Msg 165 by snake11215
Message 166 of 218

Message 167 of 218
Re: anocondas (part IV) Sorry, I'm not available doug_kyle
10/26/01 10:45 am
Balance principles of tai chi...classical Chinese philosophical texts are notorious for their ambiguity (expression whose meaning cannot be determined from its context) this what you mean? (I ask to learn.)
This Is a Reply to: Msg 165 by snake11215
Message 167 of 218

Message 168 of 218
Re: anocondas (part IV) Sorry, I'm not available snake11215
(44/M/brooklyn,new york city,u.)
10/26/01 12:50 pm
it has nothing to do with any text.i've studied tai chi for over 15 years,& a lot of their principles of movement & balance are very compatible with skating.body shifting,angles,direction changes,etc.i've used these movements to shift & change direction when people said the movement was impossible-yet i've done it.firewalking is also impossible by any known science,but i,& many others have done that too.individuality is very frowned upon by members of the scientific community.learn to go beyond the texts.
This Is a Reply to: Msg 167 by doug_kyle
Message 168 of 218

Message 169 of 218
Re: anocondas (part IV) Sorry, I'm not available snake11215
(44/M/brooklyn,new york city,u.)
10/26/01 12:56 pm
that skate organization that i mentioned has actually gone so far as to threaten skate shops with using their influence to get manufacturers of skates & parts to not sell to them if they continue to display the buisiness cards of non-certified instructors.although not as extreme,the scientific community behaves the same way.they try to shut down anyone with new ideas who does not follow their rules.
This Is a Reply to: Msg 168 by snake11215
Message 169 of 218
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