What you don't realize about what we've been
trying to tell you is that this is an area where pet
keeping and the scientific comunity merge. Keeping
reptiles properly requires one to keep up with the
scientific reasearch as well as learning from personal
experience. However, the experience you gain with your own
snakes only applies to you and your snakes. You and they
do not set the standard for all snake keepers. If I
only had experience with my own snakes I wouldn't
bother giving anyone advice because my snakes are not
the control group for all snakes. One thing you keep
saying is "I've never had a problem", well never having
a problem also limits your experience. You learn
from mistakes and things that happen that aren't your
fault. Never having a problem simply means A.) A problem
hasn't risen YET and B.) That you've been lucky so far.
If you talk to any experienced, long term snake
keeper they will have several stories of situations that
they have learned from. Even I could tell a few of my
Just because we present the facts in a cold,
scientific way doesn't mean we treat our animals the same. I
for one consider all my pets, reptiles an mammals
alike, to be like family. Just take a look at some of
the pictures I've posted and that should be
One last thing: You may complain of najaboy69's way
of treating you, but you set yourself up for it. If
you had the common courtesy to refrain from making
attacking comments on age and book learning, not to mention
your overall attitude, he would have had no reason to
treat you the way he has.
Respect is a two-way
street and through this whole debate you have been
walking one way and never looking back.