Posted by Utahraptor on 09 February 1999 at 09:53:36:
This is not meant to knock anyone's religion or views, but to show what morons people who believe the Bible (Fundamentalists, Creationists, whoever) are. OK, remember now, they're defense is that God is all powerful, all knowing, and can do anything He damn well pleases. Forget that, and you'll lose my point against it.
So, first we're to believe God always existed. Impossible. You need a beginning, an origin. Then h creates everything (OK, fine). Then he makes man the top of the best, and let's him name all animals (OK, this is proven wrong cause man named animals, then assumed God wanted them to.) Now, this makes dinosaurs non existent, despite collaborating evidence to the contrary. Next, to create man, God turns dirt into Adam (OK, I'll buy molecular rearranging, and men do seem to be dirt. Ask any women.) Next He creates women from Adam's rib. This is called Cloning people. Yet cloning goes against the Bible, cause God's not creating it, and hence it has no soul. Yet cloning duplicates all, event he soul. So God then puts a fruit bearing tree in Eden, not wanting the first humans to eat it. OK, now He's just asking for it. Then Eve decides rather than listen to God, her creator and provider, with Adam, she must listen to a talking snake (Note: even if it was the Devil in disguise, Eve knew not, and so that defense goes out the window.) So we now have this insane chick listening to talking snakes, and having deluded dreams of grandeur, namely being a God. So, being the naked slut that she is, she forces Adam to eat the apple, or forever go without any love (OK, my theory on why.) Or else, Adam seems to think listening to Eve, who listens to talking snakes she just meets, is better than listening to God, his provider. Plus, we're to believe, prior to all this, Adam never knew that he nor Eve were naked. OK, I buy Adam being unaware that he has no underwear. But no straight guy (of which Adam clearly is,) can possibly look at a naked women, and not know she's nude. Trust me, he knew. Now there evicted form Eden, and punished. Then, Adam and Eve have kids, who marry other people, some of which seem to suddenly exist out of nowhere, and all humanity is conceived through incest (I assume Adam and Eve acted like my Gerbils, and did their own kids.). However, we know for a fact that incest brings about shall we say, imperfect people (based on today's standards.) OK, that'll explain about 6.6 Billion + people living today, plus more though out history. Then they change colors, based on pigmentation effects of the sun. Yet when has any African American had a white kid while living away from the sun? Or does this take millions of years? Oh wait. The world is under 6,000 years old, so it can't. It's clearly one generational changes, which we have yet to witness ever. So then some stuff happens, and people go evil, and God decides to kill everyone save Noah (and in most versions, his 3 sons and that bald guy, er, their wives.) OK, next we are to believe that in such a short time, Noah and company build an exceptionally huge ark, despite the fact that time would not allow this, even if they worked nonstop 24/7. So then, we're to believe that nobody believed him, nor locked him up for being crazy enough to build an overwhelmingly enormous, honking big ark. Right. Plus, we're to believe that Noah was able to gather 2 of every animal alive, in an even shorter time than he had to build the ark. Even if God teleports them all there, it's scientifically impossible to build an ark big enough to fit them all on, plus food and water for 40 days/nights plus extra non rainy time (Me thinks more than two were taken aboard, just that only 2 came off it.) Plus a waste management system. Even skipping all sea dwellers and amphibians, this is one huge feet to accomplish. Let alone be sea worthy, with such a huge ship, and so much wait on it.
Next, we're to believe that God punished every other animal not on the ark, for humanity's evil. And the plants that died from lack of carbon dioxide, and over watering from the flood. And on top of that, this si done to a race that believes the world is flat, and their land is the only land around. Now call me crazy, but I doubt those in Africa, or the Americas were all that evil. Seems to me like other people in other arks existed back then. But Noah was the only one you say? Fine. So God killed only the European/Asians. But a flood around the world would kill innocents, and that didn't happen. So obviously, a great big honking wall appeared in the sea to protect the saved. Right. And even with a world wide flood, or walled floods, surely salt water and fresh water mixed, and animals swam all over the place, thus not surviving in opposite waters. Yet we're to believe either they did, or the water stayed separated. Plus then Noah, his family, and the 2 of every animal not on the ark used incest once again to repopulate the world (yet Gerbils survived and they eat their incest spawned children. I know from personal experience.)
Then more stuff happened, and Jesus was born. OK, Joseph didn't knock Mary up. God did. But no one believes God did it with her, nor will they believe He beamed His sperm in. Obviously, he took one of Mary's eggs and cloned it into Jesus. Cloning can involve gender changes, and surely God can do that if He can clone. Then this dude starts telling everybody how to behave and has mindless drones following him around. Whatevery. Yet people can't decide if Jesus had his own powers, or God gave it to him. Plus, people insist God gave up ruling the universe for 33 years to live as a human and experience the human touch. Right. Believable if aliens didn't exist. They do (note: not come here to Earth, just that they do exist somewhere, somewhen), so that proves that. Plus others say God was God and Jesus at the same time, and was this Holy Ghost of whom I know nothing of, and won't comment on, save for that God can't be two or more beings at once, short of cloning Himself, or robots, etc, and Bible people
will laugh at you if you insist. Then people kill Jesus, and God doesn't seem to mind being killed, or people killing His son, and doesn't smite back. Yet kill anyone else, and you go to Hell. Weird favoritism He's got. SO anyway, then God stops the sun (whenever), and that worked only if the Earth is the center of the incredibly small universe, of which no life exists at all save for Earth, and the sun orbits us. I'll give you that God bent the light to appear frozen (having slightly over 8 minutes form sun to Earth helps a lot.) Then God says the Messiah will come, and everybody believes it's Jesus, yet Jews back another dude, and other religions undoubtedly do the same. But all you ever hear is support Jesus as out savior, or burn in hell. Not, support a savior, just let's force Jesus on everybody, who might be God's son, our God Himself, or else a long haired weirdo with a God complex, and at least told everybody to be have. Then more stuff happens, God stops talking to us, and we enter the present (OK, so He seems to like messing with the Jews, and instead of teleporting us across a desert, we must walk for 40 years, and eat food off the sand. Oh really now. That's too much. God can make food appear on the ground, but damn if He'll do plates? Really.)
OK, so now everybody's saying the world will end in the new century/millennium (rounds about). OK. First off, why would God punish all non human life for humanity's mistakes? Remember my complaints above? Good. Then we're to believe that in the end, God has one final Judgment, nobody's in Heaven yet mind you, and the good get to live in Heaven on Earth, with God Himself (And He writes stuff on our foreheads. Not that we get a say in all this.) So in other words, God decides that the evilest species is his favorite, screws all other aliens, and moves to Earth. And will anybody tolerate aliens in our afterlife? Nope. Try and convince me otherwise. I bet God wouldn't let them live here with Him, even if people accept aliens in our universe. This was all well and good in a world where Earth was the only habitable planet. Guess what? That theory's wrong.
Plus, we have these eediots who think if they bring Jesus back, they'll be rewarded. Uh uh. You kill everybody, you go to hell. God ain't gonna thank you for speeding up His plans.
So that proves that the Bible disregards reality and science. And facts, and evidence, and proof. It was a nice theory at the time, but truth, reality, etc proves it's as outdated as humans are the only smart animal on Earth, the sun revolves around us, and dinosaurs were giant lizards. So give it up people. You're wrong. It was a nice ride while it lasted, but we all knew form the start that this wouldn't work at all. Oh yeah. Your only proof to all the Bible stuff is the Bible, which si let's say 2000 years old, highly outdated, and written by Homo Sapiens, who lie so much, God needed a whole Commandment to stop them.
Thanks for bearing with this long post.
- uuhhh
13 February 1999 at 04:59:44
- Re: They Call Me Mr. Snrubs
14 February 1999 at 08:14:14
- Re: Speaking of assumptions..
The Imp
14 February 1999 at 20:27:18
- Re: And The Correct ANme is Mr. Snrub. I added The "S" For Fun.
15 February 1999 at 07:56:14
- Re: And The Correct ANme is Mr. Snrub. I added The "S" For Fun.
15 February 1999 at 07:56:14
- Re: Defining a trick....
The Imp
14 February 1999 at 20:20:33
- Re: Defining a trick....
15 February 1999 at 07:57:39
- Re: Defining a trick....
15 February 1999 at 07:57:39
- Re: Speaking of assumptions..
The Imp
14 February 1999 at 20:27:18
- Re: They Call Me Mr. Snrubs
14 February 1999 at 08:14:14
- Re: Reality
10 February 1999 at 01:41:24
- Huh...
10 February 1999 at 15:26:07
- Re: Huh...
11 February 1999 at 01:39:52
- Re: Huh...
11 February 1999 at 09:51:41
- Re: Huh...
11 February 1999 at 09:51:41
- Re: Okay... my turn Gremlin, Utahraptor, whatever......
The Imp
11 February 1999 at 01:15:01
- Re: Damn, my color choice sucks. Try this one, I wouldn't want you guys to strain here.
The Imp
11 February 1999 at 01:21:23
- Re: Damn, my color choice sucks. Try this one, I wouldn't want you guys to strain here.
11 February 1999 at 09:55:25
- Re: Damn, my color choice sucks. Try this one, I wouldn't want you guys to strain here.
11 February 1999 at 09:55:25
- Re: Damn, my color choice sucks. Try this one, I wouldn't want you guys to strain here.
The Imp
11 February 1999 at 01:21:23
- Re: Huh...
11 February 1999 at 01:39:52
- Re: Reality
10 February 1999 at 09:20:39
- Re: Reality
11 February 1999 at 04:35:23
- Re: OK
14 February 1999 at 08:01:43
- Hardly necessary...
11 February 1999 at 06:57:46
- Re: OK
14 February 1999 at 08:01:43
- Reply to the subjective musings of a first grader
11 February 1999 at 02:53:19
- Re: Reply to Subjective Idiocy by Me
11 February 1999 at 09:38:46
- From the depths of my fires
12 February 1999 at 01:37:16
- Re: From the depths of my fires
12 February 1999 at 08:18:09
- Re: From the depths of my fires
12 February 1999 at 18:39:01
- Re: From the depths of my fires
The Hunter
13 February 1999 at 08:44:52
- Re: From the depths of my fires
The Hunter
13 February 1999 at 08:44:52
- Re: From the depths of my fires
12 February 1999 at 14:43:34
- Re: From the depths of my fires
13 February 1999 at 08:48:25
- Boy, you sure got me good...
14 February 1999 at 21:47:10
- Re: Boy, you sure got me good...
15 February 1999 at 07:58:48
- I believe assumptions are being made Utahraptor.....Hmmmmmmm.
The Imp
14 February 1999 at 22:37:40
- Re: Boy, you sure got me good...
15 February 1999 at 07:58:48
- Boy, you sure got me good...
14 February 1999 at 21:47:10
- Re: From the depths of my fires
13 February 1999 at 08:48:25
- Re: From the depths of my fires
12 February 1999 at 18:39:01
- Re: To the depth of the ark
12 February 1999 at 03:38:54
- I like that....
12 February 1999 at 03:49:55
- Seemed to fit =) --nt--
12 February 1999 at 04:34:36
- Re: An Ark On Fire
12 February 1999 at 08:21:10
- Re: An Ark On Fire
12 February 1999 at 08:21:10
- Seemed to fit =) --nt--
12 February 1999 at 04:34:36
- I like that....
12 February 1999 at 03:49:55
- Re: From the depths of my fires
12 February 1999 at 08:18:09
- Re: I believe that in theory anything is possible, not probable, but possible............. *nt*
The Imp
12 February 1999 at 01:17:52
- From the depths of my fires
12 February 1999 at 01:37:16
- Not bad...
11 February 1999 at 07:21:06
- Re: Not bad...
15 February 1999 at 00:33:12
- No more caffeine for you...
15 February 1999 at 13:43:53
- No more caffeine for you...
15 February 1999 at 13:43:53
- Re: Not bad...
15 February 1999 at 00:33:12
- Re: Reply to Subjective Idiocy by Me
11 February 1999 at 09:38:46
- the ark
10 February 1999 at 18:36:23
- Re: the ark
11 February 1999 at 09:41:34
- Re: the ark
10 February 1999 at 18:46:42
- Re: the ark
11 February 1999 at 09:41:34
- Re: Reality
11 February 1999 at 04:35:23
- Re: Reality check........ (oh shit.)
The Imp
10 February 1999 at 06:15:37
- Huh...
10 February 1999 at 15:26:07
- Re: Reality
10 February 1999 at 00:16:15
- Re: Reality
10 February 1999 at 09:04:55
- Re: Reality
10 February 1999 at 09:04:55
- Re: Reality???
09 February 1999 at 20:22:53
- Re: Reality???
10 February 1999 at 08:49:08
- Re: You missed a concept here.... Theoretically, anything is possible...not probable, just possible. *nt*
The Imp
11 February 1999 at 01:30:55
- Re: You missed a concept here.... Theoretically, anything is possible...not probable, just possible. *nt*
The Imp
11 February 1999 at 01:30:55
- Re: Reality???
10 February 1999 at 08:49:08
- Re: Reality
09 February 1999 at 20:13:45
- Wow!
09 February 1999 at 16:39:22
- Re: Wow!
10 February 1999 at 08:07:31
- Re: Now, if only you could make a serious arguement, and not the reactionary dribble! *nt*
The Imp
11 February 1999 at 01:33:26
- Re: Now, if only you could make a serious arguement, and not the reactionary dribble! *nt*
The Imp
11 February 1999 at 01:33:26
- Re: Wow!
10 February 1999 at 08:07:31